Mission Statement:
It is the mission of Human Resources to provide the following quality services to the employees of The Apache Tribe of Oklahoma:
- recruitment of qualified individuals;
- retention of valuable employees;
- training, development and education to promote individual success and increase overall value to the Tribe;
- provide and promote a safe and healthful working environment;
- inspire and encourage a high level of employee morale through recognition, effective communication and delivering constant feedback;
- provide resources for administering benefits, policies and procedures.
These services are achieved via a teamwork philosophy that is inspired through effective organizational skills, proactive efforts, and maintaining a balance between professionalism and the ability to have fun!
How to apply:
Applications will be received by the following methods:
Email: atohr@apachetribe.org
Fax: 405-247-2763
Mail: Office of Human Resources, 511 E. Colorado, Anadarko, OK 73005
It is important your application show all relevant education & experience you possess, to include Transcripts, Diplomas, Training Certificates, etc. Applications will not be considered if incomplete. HR will accept resumes however, the applicant understands that it is not in lieu of the application, “see attached resumes” on the application will not be accepted.
Paper Applications:
Employment Applications must be turned in with all documentation of your claims of training, education or ID's or they will not be accepted nor make it to the next step of processing. Applications missing documents will not progress in the employment process and will be destroyed after 60 days to protect your information. A new application must be submitted for every position you apply for.
Website Applications:
The same rules stated above apply when you submit your application through the website. You must upload all of your information to the application before submitting. The website application accepts the following formats: PDF files, Word files, picture files such as JPG/JPEG, PNG
Applications can be reached from the Human Resources Page or
picked up from the Administration Building in Anadarko, OK
Employment (paper/downloadable) Application
When you submit your electronic application please have all your information ready to upload. You can save your progress.
Electronic (online) Application
Please check our jobs page @
(Temporarily Unavailable)
Contact H.R. Department:
Director: Tamara Paukei
Phone: (405) 247-9493
Fax: (405) 247-2763