Apache Tribe Indian Child Welfare Assistance
Services Available
Indian Child Welfare
Kiowa HHS Blg 208 Hardees West Street
Anadarko, OK 73005
Phone: (405) 648-0417
Please notify worker if services have been provided through either of the Programs.
Provide CDIBs of all Apache enrolled children in the home. (Ages: Birth to 17 years. 18 years if still in school.)
Provide a signed Letter of Request. Must include what the request is for and go into detail of why you are unable to take care of it.
Physical Examination of "one" enrolled Apache child (6 years to 17 years) OR Shot Record of the youngest enrolled Apache Child (5 years and under).
If applying for utility assistance, a copy of the bill must be submitted.
If applying for rent, the following must be provided:
a. Landlord’s Name, Address, and Phone Number
b. Address of Rental
c. Statement of how much the rent or deposit is.
d. W-9 Form filled out and signed by the Landlord.
Complete The Downloadable Application
Submit The Completed Application To lpalmer@kiowatribe.org
(The downloaded application will be in the free Adobe PDF Format. Your device or computer should have apps to open and complete it.)